Meeting Room Booking Terms & Conditions
- The library encourages public use of meeting rooms as gathering places to exchange ideas; access and share information and participate in programs created for public enjoyment, public education and civic engagement.
- The meeting rooms will be available on an equitable basis regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.
- Permission to meet at the Library does not in any way constitute or imply endorsement of the users’ policies, beliefs or programs by the Library staff or Board of Trustees.
Room Use Priority
- Priority will be given to: Library sponsored and co-sponsored activities and events.
- All other groups will be given consideration on a first-come/first-served basis.
- The Library reserves the right to reschedule confirmed meeting room reservations to accommodate library meetings or events.
- In such rare instances, the Library will make every reasonable effort to give ample notice and to assist the group in reserving another date or library meeting room.
- Private events such as birthday parties and showers are not permitted.
- Organizations using the public meeting rooms may not charge an admission fee, make any sales or conduct direct marketing or solicitation.
- Organizations using public meeting rooms may not use advertising and publicity which imply that their programs are:
- sponsored by the library
- co-sponsored by the library
- or approved by the library
- An adult leader shall be present at all time and be responsible for the supervision of any groups of children under the age of eighteen using the public meeting rooms.
- Attendance at meetings/programs may not exceed the maximum number certified by the Fire Department as the occupancy limit for the room.
- The Library Executive Director and Library Board of Trustees reserve the right to cancel any application submitted for use of the meeting rooms should conditions or situations warrant such action.
Kitchen Use (Where Available)
- Simple refreshments (coffee, doughnuts, punch, cookies, hor d’oeuvres, etc.) or box lunches may be served at meetings. The kitchen is intended for this kind of use only, and may not be used for cooking.
- The Library does not provide refreshment supplies such as cups, containers, paper goods, tea and coffee.
- Refreshments may not be taken from the meeting rooms to other areas of the Library.
- Groups using the meeting rooms are expected to leave it in the condition they found it; failure to do so may result in a clean-up charge, minimum of $25.00
- The library is not responsible for the loss or damage to any equipment or materials owned or rented by an individual, group or organization while using the public meeting rooms.
- Any individual, group or organization using the public meetings rooms shall be held responsible for willful or accidental damage to the library building, grounds, collections or equipment caused by the group, individual or organization, members or those attending the program or meeting.
- Any individual, business, group, or organization holding a meeting in the library must fully release and discharge the Stark County District Library, its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims from injuries, including death, damages or loss, which may arise or which may be alleged to have arisen out of, or in connection with the meeting or program.

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